Working out early in the morning is not always easy. Professionals recommend exercise routines to help you wake up on the top of the world. However, with our tight working schedule, we probably don’t have enough time to do so. offers you this daily wake up routine, that will take you only 5 minutes to complete. So, instead of scrolling down social media first thing in the morning, try this workout routine to help you get out of bed, and start your day on the right foot.
Overhead stretch Workout
Physiotherapist Nick Sinfield believes that stretching is important. Therefore, he recommends gentle in-bed tension-releasing stretches. To do the overhead stretch, extend your arms to the top of your head, relax your body, and stretch your legs. It is crucial to feel that your entire body is stretching, while taking 3 to 4 deep breaths.
One Knee to chest stretch
As for the knee to chest stretch, you just lay on your back, and raise one bending leg to your chest. Do not move your head or neck, and just try to feel your lower back stretch. Take relaxing deep breaths, then switch to the other knee.
Both Knees to chest stretch
After the first two general stretches, now we can move into more ”challenging” ones. Now, it’s time for both knees to go up to your chest. Exactly like you did in the previous one, you follow the same guidelines, except using both knees at the same time. This one is important as a third step, since it gets easier after having done it with each knee seperately.
Upper back stretch
Once you are done with the legs, try to stretch your back. Scientifically speaking, when you sleep, your muscles lose tone and fluid tends to pool along your back. Stretching helps to massage fluid gently back into the normal position.
For that reason, clasp both hands and extend your arms out in front of you at shoulder level. Look down and slightly round your back. Take 3 to 4 deep, relaxing breaths, feeling the stretch between the shoulders.
Squats are always a good, helpful workout. Since they are often the hardest to do, they come as the last step of this 5-minutes working routine.
Put your feet parallel and shoulder-width apart, lower yourself as far as comfortable or until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Do not let your knees lean over your toes. As soon as you touch the bed, come up and repeat. Perform 8 to 10 slow and controlled squats.
Photos: Unsplash