Cranberries are not only incredibly delicious, they have also turned out to be extremely positive health-wise. It doesn’t matter in what form you eat them, the best thing you can do is consume these tiny red fruits all year long. Whether frozen, in the form of juice, dried or fresh, all is valid when it comes to ingesting these babies.
They help against antibiotic resistance
Antibiotic resistance is an increasingly alerting issue. It occurs when disease causing bacteria become resistant to the antibiotic that has been used to kill them off (which happens when, for example, treatment is not carried out to completion).
But now, this new study seems to have found a solution to it. And it’s all natural! Research has shown, that when adding cranberry extract to the bacteria and its antibiotic, the resistance can be prevented from taking place.
They prevent inflammation
You’ve probably seen products and foods being advertised for having a high content of antioxidants. It’s positive because it has many benefits for both your heart and infection-fighting. They even lower your risks of developing cancer. Well, cranberries are packed with antioxidants, and work against inflammation, too.
They improve blood circulation
It has been proven that cranberries help develop artery flexibility, meaning circulation improves, and thus lowering heart and blood pressure. An enhanced blood circulation is positive for your energy levels as well as your cognitive function.
They fight against disease
Cranberries are great for your health because they fight against the bad type of cholesterol (LDL cholesterol), they reduce triglycerides and work against insulin resistance. It has even been proven that these tiny ruby-like fruits can slow down tumor growth.
They are positive for the digestive system
Cranberries can have an extremely positive impact when it comes to the bacteria found in our digestive systems. Also, the fiber found in them is great to prevent you from feeling constipated.
They are positive for immunity
The tiny red fruits are wonderful for our immunity systems, as the vitamin C that is found in them is essential to human bodies. Vitamin C is essential for tissue healing, which is very important for both our skin and joint health. It is also worth mentioning that what you’ve heard about cranberries and urinary tract infections is absolutely true.
Cranberries help both preventing and curing urinary tract infections because they are able to keep bacteria from being able to stick to the walls, avoiding infection. The same occurs in other parts of the body, like the stomach and the mouth. Cranberries are great infection-fighters.
Photos: Unsplash