Magnesium deficiency or hypomagnesemia, is actually an overlooked health issue. While official numbers show that not many people suffer from it, studies have been able to demonstrate that most people are not meeting their Magnesium intake requirement. Furthermore, the reason why magnesium deficiency is often neglected, is because the symptoms don’t start to show until it becomes severe. There are indeed several factors that lead to this condition, and are mostly related with your dietary habits.
In this post, we explain how to know that you have magnesium deficiency, the damage it can cause you, and how you can work on increasing your magnesium intake naturally.
The Signs You Should Pay Attention To
Although the signs appear when the magnesium level becomes really low in your body, it’s important to know where they come from. If you experience frequent muscle pain and twitches, it might be because you need more magnesium in your system. In fact, scientists believe that this is due to a greater flow of calcium into nerve cells, which overexcites or hyperstimulates the muscle nerves. High blood pressure and difficulties breathing can also be symptoms of magnesium deficiency. In addition, studies show a significant correlation between lack of magnesium, and depression.
What Will Happen If You Don’t React On Time?
Consequently, if you don’t react soon enough, you may end up in a critical health condition. Muscle pain is a serious symptom, which can even lead to celiac disease and hungry bone syndrome. Several other side-effects of hypomagnesemia include diabetes, poor absorption, and chronic diarrhea.
Luckily, it takes some time between noticing symptoms and getting to a serious condition. In order to avoid a quick escalation, implement small changes in your magnesium intake through your daily diet.
These Foods Are Rich In Magnesium
Yes, food is the greatest remedy to empower your body. In addition to magnesium supplements you can get at the drug store, you can simply turn to foods that are rich in magnesium. Legumes, leafy greens, avocados and nuts are a perfect way to increase this supplement in your body.
Photos: Freepik, Pixabay.