Detoxing your body has several health benefits. A detox diet eliminates the toxins and residuals in your body, and could even help you lose weight. Fortunately, our bodies have a natural detoxicating system, and all we have to do is work with it.
Today in Healthytimes club we introduce you to 5 easy methods of detox, that you should be doing everyday for a healthier body.
Start With Water
Drinking a glass of water right after waking up is a solution to many things. Hydration is possibly the easiest, and best form to clean your body. Start your day with a full glass of water, and reap the health benefits. Research shows that if you add a lemon to your glass of water, you do both your liver and stomach a favor. Lemon water helps digesting and flush the built-up toxins out of your body.
Move Your Body
Exercising is not only for loosing weight or getting fit. Working out is a form of detox, as well. The sweat you get from exercising is exactly your body letting go of all the bad toxins trapped inside. According to Dr. Miller, regular exercise encourages circulation in the blood and lymph system, enhance digestion, reduce tension, lubricate joints, and strengthen your body.
Switch to Drinking Tea
You may be a coffee person, but tea just has the same properties but with healthier advantages. Herbal tea is the perfect way to hydrate your body, have your daily intake of caffeine, and detox your body. Ashley Carr, wellness coach says that not only does tea fills you up, but it’s also full with antioxidants. She recommends it over coffee, since it’s gentler on your system.
Cut Down on Sugar
Although it is obvious that too much sugar is not good for you, cutting down on it is also a form of detoxing. Regular consumption of sugar-loaded beverages is doing way too much harm to your liver, especially when mixed with Alcohol. This harms the rest of the organs, and doesn’t let them do their job of cleaning your system correctly. Try to avoid consuming too much sugar, and replace it with fruits and natural sugary food.
Eat More Fruits and Veggies
There is nothing healthier than eating more fruits and vegetables. They are filled with vitamins, and most of the properties that your body needs. In addition, they are rich in antioxidants, which protect your cells against damage caused by molecules called free radicals.
Berries, fruits, nuts, cocoa, vegetables, and spices have some of the highest amounts of antioxidants.
Photos: Pixabay