Social media is nowadays indispensable, as we try to stay home and practice social distancing. Just as important as staying active and keeping your body healthy, you also need to do the same for your mind. In addition, confinement is affecting for our mental health, as it increases our levels of anxiety and unconscious stress. Therefore, we have chosen few Instagram pages that nourish the mind by spreading positive energy.
We know that the first thing you probably do in the morning is check your feed. So, what’s a better than starting on a positive, motivating and happy note? Without further ado, here is our food for thought, brought to you by these IG pages to help you stay positive.
Thought Catalog
This page is very powerful. On a personal level, it has helped me go through so many hardships. Thought Catalog publishes positive content that you can relate you at any point of your life. In addition, the content is created by people like you and me, who use their personal experiences to transmit strength, and share how they eventually got through the rough patches in their lives.
Mindset For Greatness
”Wisdom, light, love” is the motto of this IG page. Followed by over 2,5 million people, it’s undoubtedly one the best IG pages to help you stay positive in any tough situation. Their posts count on details such as the date, so you have a motivational quote for every day. In addition, they often do Q&A’s to answer questions and take recommendations and feedback for content.
Humans Of NY
You most certainly have heard of this page, which initially started on Facebook few years ago. It revolves around a man with a camera, strolling around the streets of NYC, and collecting inspiring (sometimes extremely emotional) stories accompanied by a simple photograph. This is one of the IG pages that will help you stay positive, put things in perspective for you, and take through others’ journeys in life. Definitely, a must follow!
The Good Quote
Last but not least, The Good Quote aims to share a small set of quotes on daily basis, to help you reach mindfulness. In fact, this page is followed by almost 20 million users. If anything, this IG page will inspire and motivate you each day, and will most certainly help you develop your mental health through literature and constructive discussions.
Photos: Freepik, Instagram.